Exhibitions – Review: Leer

Review – Leer

Traveling exhibition „On the way of Anne Frank – Contemporary witnesses along the tracks“
13 July 2014 (Exhibition opening)
14 July to 03 August 2014
Ratskeller of the city Leer – DE 26789 Leer, Rathausstraße 1

Press reports

Many regional and national newspapers and magazines reported on the traveling exhibition “On the way of Anne Frank – Contemporary witnesses along the tracks” on its first station in Leer:

Ostfriesischer Kurier (02 July 2014)
→ to the report

Rheiderland Zeitung (12 July 2014)
→ to the report

General-Anzeiger (14 July 2014)
→ to the report

Ostfriesen-Zeitung (14 July 2014)
→ to the report

Rheiderland Zeitung (16 July 2014)
→ to the report

General-Anzeiger (17 July 2014)
→ to the report

Der Leeraner (August 2014)
→ to the report

Press releases

PDF → Ausstellungseröffnung „Auf dem Weg von Anne Frank – Zeitzeugen entlang der Gleise“ im Ratskeller der Stadt Leer

PDF → Ausstellungseröffnung „Auf dem Weg von Anne Frank – Zeitzeugen entlang der Gleise“

PDF → Tentoonstelling “Op de Weg van Anne Frank – Getuigen langs het Spoor” opent in Leer

Impressions – Exhibition in Leer

Exhibition opening on 13 July 2014

On Sunday, 13 July 2014, the exhibition “On the way from Anne Frank – Contemporary witnesses along the tracks” was declared open by District Administrator Bernhard Bramlage and Mayor Wolfgang Kellner.

During the speeches in the ceremonial hall of the city Leer in a dignified and moving setting the guests realized, that this exhibition represents a valuable contribution to reconciliation and understanding as well as it sets a monument against forgetting.

Supported by

The project "On the way of Anne Frank" is finished.
This website documents the project work and presents the results to the public.