Silent witnesses

Silent witnesses…

Stille Zeugen Titelbild

As “silent witnesses” the partial project documents pieces fom the past, which are directly connected with the fates of the transit camp Westerbork. This kind of witnesses can be for example inscriptions in trees, objects or notes. The investigation turned out to be an exceedingly complex venture.

Stille Zeugen Titelbild


Postcards with parting words of the deportees


Water treatment plant on the site of Kamp Westerbork

Water treatment plant on the site of Kamp Westerbork


Aerial view of Kamp Westerbork

Teil des original Lagerkanals

Part of the original camp channel

Originaler Prellbock hinter dem Nationalmonument

Original bumper behind the National Monument

Teile einer ehemaligen Baracke in Kamp Westerbork

Parts of a former barrack in Camp Westerbork

Spuren auf dem Weg zwischen Westerbork und Hooghalen

Traces on the path between Westerbork and Hooghalen

By courtesy of Kamp Westerbork.


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The project "On the way of Anne Frank" is finished.
This website documents the project work and presents the results to the public.