
Against forgetting…


The Netherland Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork is located since 1983 in the middle of the wooded area of the former transit camp Westerbork. It is situated near Hooghalen, ten kilometres north of the village Westerbork.

An exhibition shows not only the historical perspective upon the camp and its persons in custody, rather the Herinnerungscentrum Westerbork connects the time past with nowadays.

On the surrounding terrain of the Herinnerungscentrum triangular stones mark the positions of the former huts and rails. The former parade ground shows the Dutch national monument “De 102.000 stenen” (The 102.000 stones), which was put up on the initiative of former prisoners of the camp. Each one of the stones stands for a person, who was deported from Westerbork into the extermination camps of the National Socialists and there was murdered.

The museum and the camp area are connected with each other by educational trails (about 3 km), which can be explored by foot. Asphalted ways are open to bicycles; cars and buses however are not allowed to drive on them. For this reason during the opening hours a bus to the camp area is available. Tickets are obtainable from the bus chauffeur. A single ticket costs € 1,50, a return-ticket € 2,00. The bus stops right in front of the museum entrance.



Over 30 years of activity

The Westerbork Centre of Memories commits itself to educate about the history of the former camp Westerbork. To make people aware, give room for contemplation and by offering a place to remember and commemorate. The way the Centre goes about this task, already more than 30 years, can be seen here.




By car

From the direction of Oldenburg via the A28 and A7 towards Groningen. From Groningen A28 towards Assen: exit 30 (Assen-Zuid) and then follow the signs “Voormalig Kamp Westerbork”.
From the direction of the Ruhr follow from Oberhausen the A12 towards Utrecht, A50 towards Zwolle and there on the A28 towards Groningen. Exit 31 (Westerbork) and then follow the signs “Voormalig Kamp Westerbork”.
Room to park, also for persons who have problems with walking and for buses exist plentiful in front of the museum. For persons who have problems with walking wheelchairs are available.

By public conveyances

Train: Both Assen and Beilen are within reach by train. Taxi: From Beilen you can order a communal taxi (Treintaxi) which takes you to the Herinnerungscentrum. Tickets for that you buy already at the ticket window in the station.
Bus: From Assen by bus number 22 to stop Hooghalen-Centrum. From Hooghalen it is 2,5 km foot way to the Herinnerungscentrum Kamp Westerbork.



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Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork
Oosthalen 8, 9414 TG Hooghalen
Phone +31  593 – 592600
Fax +31  593 – 592546

Web www.kampwesterbork.nl
E-Mail info@kampwesterbork.nl


Opening hours
Monday to Friday 10.00 – 17.00
Saturday and Sunday 13.00 – 17.00
Weekend from April to September 11.00 – 17.00
Closed on December 25th and 31st, January 1st and from the 3rd until the 27th of January.


Supported by

The project "On the way of Anne Frank" is finished.
This website documents the project work and presents the results to the public.